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Multimedia Extras: Dinosaur Planet (Fringe 2009)
This is a live bootleg of the final afternoon's show of Dinosaur Planet at the Edinburgh Fringe 2009. It was recorded on 15 August on one microphone on my little digital four track, so while it isn't particularly high fidelity it IS an extremely accurate record of proceedings!
It appears on the multi-media extras for the limited edition CD version of My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once.
It appears on the multi-media extras for the limited edition CD version of My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once.
Theme From Dinosaur Planet (Overture)
Don't, Darren, Don't
Explanation of theme tune
Theme From Dinosaur Planet
A Little Bit
The Theory Of A Dinosaur Planet
Here Come The Dinosaurs
My Grandad Is Nuts
The Battle Of Peterborough
My Theory Of A Dinosaur Planet
We Are The Giant Robots
Dinosaurs Talk Like Pirates
We Are The Dinosaurs
It Isn't Nice To Eat Your Friends
For The Fate Of The Earth
A Little Bit More
Theme From Dinosaur Planet (finale)