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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 74

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(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, April 26th 2011)

Hello everybody - I know it's not the last working day of the month yet but I've got something I want to tell you about and can't WAIT for the end of the month to do so!


I've done a video for "I'm Saying Yes", the Yes To AV song from "Wonderful Wednesday", here:

I'm always EXTREMELY grateful when people re-post/tweet/mention our videos, but I would be ESPECIALLY so this time. I reckon that if the referendum goes "No" on May 5th then THE MAN will use it to stop ALL constitutional reform for decades to come. That's why the Tories are spending SO MUCH money on SO MANY lies to try and con people into voting their way. So go on, spread the word and say "Yes" on May 5th, it'll be GRATE!

(that is the end of the partly political broadcast - normal service now resumes)


Sunday 1 May - Fox & Firkin, Lewisham
Afternoon spot (about 4pm) at FOXFEST.

Sunday 1 May - Reason To Eat, Camden, London
On at 10.15pm as part of the Comedy/Camden Crawl

Tuesday 3 May - The Lamb, London
Final Totally Acoustic of this run, with More Bad Times and Mystery Special Guest

Thursday 2 June - The Portland Arms, Cambridge
Supporting the mighty Chris T-T - tickets here:

Check for more information.


We've had some FANTASTIC nights at Totally Acoustic over this season so far - thanks to everyone who came and if you didn't you can always catch up with the podcasts, here:


Mine and Steve's new Fringe show, "Moon Horse vs. The Mars Men Of Jupiter" is now BOOKED for both the Edinburgh AND Camden Fringes, and we'll be doing warm-up gigs starting in June. We're practicing like MAD as we speak, and have a rather SNAZZY new website with dates and PICTURES right here:


Thanks very much INDEED to everyone who leapt in and bought copies of "Wonderful Wednesday" - if you didn't get one you can now download it from our bandcamp page, from iTunes or indeed listen on Spotify, and unlike the physical copies the digital versions will have the CORRECT tracklisting on them! All the details are on the album page, which is HERE:


I appear to have forgotten to do a newsletter last month - many apologies to the trauma this will undoubtedly have caused! Apart from Moon Horse, finishing off Dinosaur Planet, doing the AV video and running Totally Acoustic I've also recorded a cover of "Keep The Faith" by Bon Jovi for a Fika Recordings compilation, started work on a New Secret Project called "Normal Island" (, and played (VIRTUALLY) at the Geekpop Festival (which you can hear at . It was all quite busy!

And I reckon that's about enough for this month - thanks for listening, see you next time!



< issue 73 issue 75 >

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