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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 6

< issue 5 issue 7 >
(MJ Hibbett & The Validators FACT, July 29th 2005 )

Hello all, welcome to the SIXTH issue of our SENSES SCRAMBLING newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN!


This month I shall be playing the following place:

Saturday August 13th - The Flapper & Firkin, Birmingham (supporting The Graham Parsnip Liquidizer Torture Thinktank Project, with me onstage about 8.45pm)

Not quite as FRENETIC as last month, not least because we'll be away in DEVON at the end of the month recording the album. It's finally happening! WHOO! There's plenty of gigs on the horizon though, including a return to The Fuzztival in October and, hopefully, an honest to goodness WORLD TOUR at the end of the year - updates, as ever, are at


As mentioned above, it's been a MADCAP MONTH of ROCKING ACTION, with a LOAD of late-notice gigs flying in. It all started with a LOVELY weekend when The Validators played Nic and Emma's wedding - indeed, it did cause a few INDIE CRED WOBBLES as we wondered whether there was REALLY anything so bad about learning a couple of covers so that you could make a large crowd of enthusiastically drunk people DANCE. Next I did my first gig in Peterborough, at Blyth Power's Tallington Ashes weekender. This was ESPECIALLY groovy as it was three minutes from my parents' house, so they were able to come, and also because everyone there was dead nice. Next day i sped down to Brighton for the Anti-Folk weekender, which was ALSO really good fun, especially the Annual Gig of Dr Neil Brown. The next week I APPEARED in Birmingham at Ben Calvert's Bohemian Jukebox night, which i THOROUGHLY enjoyed, and then a week after THAT i was at The Victoria in Mornington Crescent, where i did (in my opinion) one of my best gigs for AGES. Then last night i was back at The 12 Bar, where i had a GRATE night, both in terms of GIGGAGE and also LURKING AROUND chatting to people. It's been one of my busiest ROCK months EVER! I'm done in!


I'm currently entertaining the idea of releasing a SINGLE early in the new year, before we bring the album out - Tim has suggested we record a new version of "Hey Hey 16K" to go on it, but we'll see what happens. "Zipcodes", the Popgun Cassette, is also pottering along, with just some tweaking and diddling to be done. I've also had an idea to maybe record a solo "live" CD, largely so I'll have something to use as a demo for getting gigs, and ALSO as something to sell AT solo gigs that's a bit more representative of what i actually PLAY at them than the normal CDs.

All this and a week in Devon too! We'll be hopefully updating the webpage while we're there, so do pop by to htpp:// to see what we're up to, won't you?


Radio play has been QUIET this month - possibly the airwaves are GIRDING themselves for the WAVE of material that is to come!


Thanks very much for everyone who entered our PULSE POUNDING POSTCODES competition last month. CDs should by now have arrived with the lucky winners, and my ROCK DATABASE is throbbing with JOY. Meanwhile readers ABROAD can POSSIBLY look forward to a visitation later this year - we've just booked tickets for a round the world JAUNT on the way to my brother's wedding in New Zealand, so I'm hoping to play a couple of gigs along the way in New York, San Francisco and maybe HAWAII, although, obviously, I'll probably be too busy in the latter solving CRIMES and avoiding Higgy Baby.

That's that then, thanks for listening, more news (and not news) on the webpage and more FACT next month!



< issue 5 issue 7 >

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