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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 4
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Hello all, welcome to the FOURTH issue of our mighty newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN!
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Tuesday 31st May - London, Catch 22
Saturday 18th June Leicester, The Victory
It's a quieter month than the MAY MADNESS we've just had - thanks for everyone for all the offers we've had lately, and if anyone else has any ideas for places to play we're especially keen on some gigs around October time, please.
As stated above, I've done LOADS of gigs since last we spoke. I started off at The 12 Bar, playing a slightly nervy set due to the number of New Songs i was playing, then a couple of days later had a GRATE time at Sheffield Student's Union. Next was The Windmill in Brixton, which felt a bit ODD as it was a (whisper it) COMEDY bill, so for once i was The Serious One, and then the next week i headed down to Brighton to do my first ever UKELELE gig. Ukelele gigs: they ROCK! Last night I played an unusually RELAXED and LOVELY gig in Leicester with Tom and Emma, and then tonight I'm off to Shoreditch to play with the brilliant Winston Echo, Bobby McGee, and The Diskettes. That's a LOT of gigs!
We've had a couple more practices since last time, and the new stuff is sounding ACE. We've got about 16 songs to take to Cornwall with us now, and we're thinking of maybe having 12 of them on the album. Meanwhile I've got some music software set up on my computer at home, so hopefully this month I'll be recording the new Cassette Album I'm doing for PopGun Recordings in America.
Nothing much has occurred in this direction, for once - we are, i guess, in the Between Releases LULL at the moment, but fear not, we'll be BACK!
Not much else to say apart from thanks very much INDEED to everyone who's come to the gigs lately - I've been having a really good time playing them, and I'm now looking forward to getting out with The Validators some more and playing these NEW SONGS. Trust me, they really are DEAD GOOD! Honest!
That's that then, thanks for listening, more news (and not news) on the webpage and more FACT next month!
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