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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 3
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Hello all, welcome to the THIRD issue of our mighty newsletter - coming at you this month a day earlier than one might have expected, but today is MY last working day of the month, so here we GO!
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Thursday 28th April - London, The 12 Bar (i.e. Tonight!)
Monday 2nd May - Sheffield, Fuzz Club @ The Students Union
Sunday 8th May - London, The Windmill
Monday 16th May - Brighton, The Fringe Bar
We're trying to book some more gigs at the moment, so if anyone's got any ideas (or even offers!) for either solo or Validators gigs, do let me know!
The only gig this month has been in Cambridge, but what a LOVELY gig it was. The Validators played en masse, even fitting in a Band Meeting beforehand, and the only downside of the night was that we had to dash off home afterwards so quickly. The Fens: WE SHALL RETURN.
At the above mentioned Band Meeting we finalised details of our trip to Cornwall in August to record the next album, and Mr Tim Pattison then went ahead and BOOKED us! THUS we'll be heading South on August 20th to spend a week Laying Down Tracks, which we'll then mix at our leisure chez Frankie Machine. Are we excited? OH YES! We had another practice this month too, and now have about 12 songs ready to go, and more lined up to work out. It's sounding GOOD!
I was on Steve Lamacq's final Sunday show at the start of the month, and did the new song "Good Luck In Your New Job" I'd written for the occasion, and then an INSANELY HIGH SPEED version of "Things'll Be Different". It all seemed to go OK, I enjoyed it anyway!
I've INKED A DEAL (well, agreed over email anyway) to release a mini-album in AMERICA later in the year - on TAPE! My version of "Stan" is going to be on a new compilation of Indie Types covering Hip Hop songs, from the American tape label PopGun. Head Chap Raoul then asked if I'd be interested in putting out a compilation of Early Material on his label, but as we'd pretty much DONE this with "Warriors Of Nanpantan" I offered him some NEW stuff instead, and brilliantly he said YES! I've got a week in June when the rest of my household is on holidays, so I'll be recording it then - expect to hear the sound of three annoyed cats in the background throughout!
Finally, THE ELECTION: I'm sure you don't need me to tell you who to vote for, the very FACT you're on this mailing list demonstrates that you're a person of taste and distinction, but do make sure you DO go out and vote, won't you? Call my old fashioned, but i think it's important!
That's that then, thanks for listening, more news (and not news) on the webpage and more FACT next month!
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