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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 24
< issue 23 | issue 25 > |
Hello all, and welcome to the terrific TWENTY FOURTH issue of our FUTURE LOVING newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN shall we?
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Thursday February 22 - Jamm, London (Back again for a short set at Vic Lambrusco's Cabaret Hour.)
Saturday March 3 - The Pleasure Unit, London (A Conceited night, with The Suggestions, Champion Kickboxers and Foxes! Tickets from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/15598)
I'm also playing a DO in Nottingham on Saturday 13th, but I'm not sure if that's Open To The Public or not - if it turns out to BE so, I will ALERT those of you in the Nottingham Area!
Gig 50 at The Union Tavern was a LOVELY night. I played two sets and we were BLESSED to have guest appearances by not one but TWO GRATE ARTISTS, both of whom were doing RARE performances - Dr Neil Brown, late of Voon, and Mr Phil Wilson, late of The June Brides. It was a FAB night - thanks everyone for coming down, especially to Peter for the 50 badge, that was ACE!
Moving into 2007, Tim and I played at The Loft in Cambridge (they have their own drum kit and amps - a GOOD idea), I had a WHALE of a time at Penny's Birthday Party in Sheffield (myself and The Iron In My Steel made a weekend of it and attended The Kelham Island Museum whilst there - it was ACE), and then a couple of nights ago I did a pile of NEW songs at a Let's Go Baboon Night over in Brixton. It was ALL GOOD!
Work continues APACE on the next single, which is going to be a double a-side of "The Lesson Of The Smiths" and "The Gay Train". We've finally got all the tracks finished (including the Norman Collier Radio Edit of "The Lesson Of The Smiths"), I've nearly done the multimedia, and Little Star Designs are BEAVERING away on an EXTREMELY exciting COVER CONCEPT. Hopefully we'll have it all sorted and ready to go off to the manufacturer in a week or so - more news NEXT time!
In the interim, I'm going to be recording a VOCAL track for a new album being put together by Rachel from The Local Heroes, featuring different people reading STORIES over their music. I've got the story, I've got the music, all I need to do now is sort out our (EXCITING) new computer with some music software and we're GO for PROSE!
If all goes to plan that nice Mr Steve Lamacq is, hopefully, going to be playing one of our NEW songs on his 6Music show today, to do with a FEATURE! I don't want to JINX it by saying too much, but I shall certainly be a) listening in and b) Listening Again.
This week we had our first PRACTICE for over six months, as we began the task of writing and recording the NEXT album. We learnt "My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once", JAMMED a couple of other tracks, and had a DISCUSSION about Working Methodologies. The Plan? To do the next album QUICKER, worry a bit LESS about it, and utilise TECHNOLOGY!
That's the lot for this month then - it seems like AGES since last we FACTED, so thanks for listening and Happy New Year!
< issue 23 | issue 25 > |