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The Very Easy RDJ Doctor Doom Theory

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Ever since Robert Downey Jr was announced as Doctor Doom in the MCU there have been an awful lot of crazy theories about how that would work - some of which I've written about myself. Most of the theories have been massively complicated and involved mind control, cross-multiverse shenanigans, or, inevitably, Mephisto, with some also based on the character being an alternate version of Tony Stark taking on the armour, despite the fact that RDJ himself has said he's playing Victor von Doom. With that in mind I've decided to launch myself into the fray and spell out my own Very Easy RDJ Doctor Doom Theory, which goes a little something like this.

Sometime between the first and second world wars a young Howard Stark visits Latveria. He has an affair with a young woman called Cynthia von Doom but, on discovering that she's pregnant, accuses her of enchanting him with witchcraft and leaves the country. Cynthia is forced to marry her cousin Werner, who raises the resulting child Victor as his own. Cynthia is later killed as a witch, and the rest of Doom's origin story continues pretty much as it always has. The only tweak comes when Werner dies saving Victor from the Baron, when the boy learns that his biological father was a young American who not only abandoned Cynthia but set in motion the events that would lead to her death. This gives him an abiding hatred of American capitalist scientists, which leads to him refusing the help of a young Reed Richards when they're at college together.

There you go! That, I think, gives us a very good reason for Victor looking like his multiversal half-brother Tony, keeps him as Cynthia's son, leaves pretty much all of the original origin story intact and - dare I say it - chucks in a few extra character motivations for good measure. Will it be what actually happens though? I very much doubt it, but if it is then you heard it here first true believer!

posted 23/9/2024 by Mark Hibbett

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too complicated. Chris Evans played The Human Torch, then he played Captain America. Robert Downey Jr played Tony Stark, now he's playing Victor von Doom. That's all there is to it. No overthinking needed. Otherwise you need to explain how Cap and the Torch are so similar, and conjure up their family tree.
posted 23/9/2024 by what about Pepper Potts?

Doom is never seen without his mask. Except that one time after Secret War 1 when he became devastatingly handsome.
posted 23/9/2024 by Mark

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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett