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Survey Update

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A huge thank you for everyone who has taken part in my Doctor Doom survey - so far it has had over 200 responses, which is way past what I ever expected! This has come about largely because of the many podcasters and comics creators who have very kindly tweeted about it, via the Marvel Age Doom twitter account, so a very special extra thanks to them!

The only slight disadvantage to all of this extra material is that it's likely to take me much longer to extract the data from it than I expected! Those who have taken the survey will know that the first half is very text-based, with a series a questions basically asking people to list Doom's characteristics, and this is going to take a bit of work to tease out and categorise. However, I'm not complaining - I've had a look through what's there and there's loads of ideas that I've never considered, so it's going to be an extremely rich dataset! The second half of the survey asks more straightforward questions, so I'm planning to do an analysis of that first of all, and then report the results here (as well as emailing them to everyone who's joined the mailing list). I'm hoping to do that after Easter, so there's plenty of time to take part if you'd like to. The survey takes about twenty minutes and can be found here:

Thanks again to everybody who's taken part, or is planning to do so - normal service will resume here next week!

posted 8/4/2020 by Mark Hibbett

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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett