This is a list of all the comics I'm planning to read for this blog. Click on an issue number for further details, including a link to my blog about it (if I've got there yet!).
Please note that this includes comics I haven't read yet and which may end up being excluded from the final list. For details of those already excluded, see
 | Fantastic Four #5 (Jul-62) | Meet Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #6 (Sep-62) | The Diabolical Duo Join Forces! |
 | Fantastic Four #10 (Jan-63) | The Return of Doctor Doom! |
 | Strange Tales #106 (Mar-63) | The Threat of the Torrid Twosome |
 | Fantastic Four #16 (Jul-63) | The Return of Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #17 (Aug-63) | In the Clutches of Doctor Doom! |
 | The Amazing Spider-Man #5 (Oct-63) | Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #23 (Feb-64) | The Master Plan of Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four Annual #2 (Sep-64) | The Final Victory of Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #39 (Jun-65) | A Blind Man Shall Lead Them! |
 | Fantastic Four #40 (Jul-65) | The Battle of the Baxter Building! |
 | Fantastic Four #43 (Oct-65) | Lo! There Shall Be An Ending! |
 | Fantastic Four Annual #3 (Oct-65) | The Wedding of Sue and Reed! |
 | The Avengers #24 (Jan-66) | From The Ashes Of Defeat |
 | The Avengers #25 (Feb-66) | Enter...Dr. Doom! |
 | Daredevil #19 (Aug-66) | Alone -- against the Underworld! |
 | Fantastic Four #57 (Dec-66) | Enter... Doctor Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #58 (Jan-67) | The Dismal Dregs of Defeat! |
 | The Marvel Super Heroes #12 (Feb-67) | Dr. Doom's Day / The Doomed Allegiance / Tug of Death |
 | Fantastic Four #59 (Feb-67) | Doomsday |
 | Fantastic Four #60 (Mar-67) | The Peril and The Power! |
 | Not Brand Echh #1 (Aug-67) | The Silver Burper! |
 | Fantastic Four (1967 series) #7 (Sep-67) | The Way It All Began |
 | Fantastic Four (1967 series) #6 (Oct-67) | Three Predictions of Dr. Doom |
 | Not Brand Ecch #3 (Oct-67) | The Origin of Sore, Son of Shmodin |
 | Fantastic Four Annual #5 (Nov-67) | The Greatest Array of Supporting Characters Ever Assembled in One Issue |
 | Fantastic Four (1967 series) #19 (Dec-67) | Rama-Tut |
 | Fantastic Four (1967 series) #16 (Dec-67) | The Micro World Of Dr. Doom |
 | Not Brand Echh #5 (Dec-67) | The Origin of Forbush-Man the Way-Out Wonder |
 | Daredevil #36 (Jan-68) | The Name of the Game Is... Mayhem! |
 | Not Brand Echh #6 (Feb-68) | The Human Scorch Has To... Meet the Family! |
 | Daredevil #37 (Feb-68) | Don't Look Now, But It's--Dr. Doom! |
 | Daredevil #38 (Mar-68) | The Living Prison! |
 | Not Brand Echh #7 (Apr-68) | The Origin of...The Fantastical Four |
 | Strange Tales #167 (Apr-68) | Armageddon! |
 | Not Brand Echh #8 (Jun-68) | What Price Forbush-Man? |
 | Not Brand Echh #9 (Aug-68) | Casey at the Bat |
 | The Silver Surfer #1 (Aug-68) | The Origin of the Silver Surfer! |
 | The Avengers Annual #2 (Sep-68) | And Time, the Rushing River... |
 | Not Brand Echh #11 (Dec-68) | Super-Hero Daydreams |
 | Not Brand Echh #12 (Feb-69) | Comiclot |
 | Fantastic Four #84 (Mar-69) | The Name Is Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #85 (Apr-69) | Within This Tortured Land |
 | Not Brand Echh #13 (May-69) | Who Says a Carnival Has To Be Good? |
 | Fantastic Four #86 (May-69) | The Victims! |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes #20 (May-69) | This Man...This Demon! |
 | Fantastic Four #87 (Jun-69) | The Power and the Pride! |
 | The Silver Surfer #7 (Aug-69) | The Heir of Frankenstein! |
 | Sub-Mariner #20 (Dec-69) | In the Darkness Dwells...Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #100 (Jul-70) | The Long Journey Home! |
 | Astonishing Tales #1 (Aug-70) | Unto You Is Born... The Doomsman! |
 | Astonishing Tales #2 (Oct-70) | Revolution! |
 | Thor #182 (Nov-70) | The Prisoner, the Power and Dr. Doom! |
 | The Avengers #83 (Dec-70) | Come on in... the Revolution's Fine! |
 | Astonishing Tales #3 (Dec-70) | Doom Must Die! |
 | Captain America #132 (Dec-70) | The Fearful Secret of Bucky Barnes! |
 | Thor #183 (Dec-70) | Trapped in Doomsland! |
 | Iron Man #33 (Jan-71) | Their Mission: Destroy Stark Industries!! |
 | Astonishing Tales #4 (Feb-71) | The Invaders! |
 | Astonishing Tales #5 (Apr-71) | A Land Enslaved! |
 | Astonishing Tales #6 (Jun-71) | The Tentacles of the Tyrant! |
 | Astonishing Tales #7 (Aug-71) | ...And If I Be Called Traitor--! |
 | The Incredible Hulk #143 (Sep-71) | At Last! Doctor Doom! |
 | Astonishing Tales #8 (Oct-71) | ...Though Some Call It Magic! |
 | The Incredible Hulk #144 (Oct-71) | The Monster and the Madman! |
 | Fantastic Four #116 (Nov-71) | The Alien, the Ally, and Armageddon |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes #31 (Nov-71) | Alone--Against the Underworld! |
 | Sub-Mariner #47 (Mar-72) | Doomsmasque |
 | Sub-Mariner #48 (Apr-72) | Twilight of the Hunted |
 | Sub-Mariner #49 (May-72) | The Dreamstone |
 | Fantastic Four #124 (Jul-72) | The Return of the Monster! |
 | Fantastic Four #126 (Sep-72) | The Way It Began! |
 | The Incredible Hulk #155 (Sep-72) | Destination: Nightmare! |
 | Fantastic Four #128 (Nov-72) | Divided - We Fall |
 | Hero for Hire #8 (Apr-73) | Crescendo! |
 | Hero for Hire #9 (May-73) | Showdown With Dr. Doom! |
 | Daredevil #100 (Jun-73) | Mindstorm! |
 | The Avengers #118 (Dec-73) | To the Death! |
 | Fantastic Four #142 (Jan-74) | No Friend Beside Him |
 | Fantastic Four #143 (Feb-74) | The Terrible Triumph of Dr. Doom! |
 | Fantastic Four #144 (Mar-74) | Attack! |
 | Giant-Size Super-Stars #1 (May-74) | ?? |
 | Power Records #13 (Oct-74) | The Way It Began |
 | Giant-Size Avengers #2 (Nov-74) | Prisoners of the Pharoah! |
 | Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug # (Jan-75) | Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug |
 | Marvel World Adventure Playset #1 (Jan-75) | Amsco |
 | Giant-Size Defenders #3 (Jan-75) | Games Godlings Play! |
 | Astonishing Tales #28 (Feb-75) | ?? |
 | Fantastic Four #155 (Feb-75) | Battle Royal! |
 | Fantastic Four #156 (Mar-75) | Middle Game! |
 | Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #1 (Mar-75) | Encounter At Land's End! |
 | Fantastic Four #157 (Apr-75) | Carnage at Castle Latveria! |
 | Iron Man #74 (May-75) | The Modok Machine! |
 | Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up #2 (Jun-75) | Humanoid Hordes! |
 | Spidey Super Stories #9 (Jun-75) | The Day of Doom |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #1 (Aug-75) | Slayers From the Sea! |
 | Fantastic Four (radio show) #4 (Sep-75) | Dreaded Doctor Doom |
 | Fantastic Four (radio show) #8 (Oct-75) | Return of Doctor Doom |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #2 (Oct-75) | In the Midst of Life...! |
 | Fantastic Four (radio show) #9 (Nov-75) | In the Clutches of Doctor Doom |
 | Fantastic Four (radio show) #11 (Nov-75) | Rama Tut |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #3 (Dec-75) | If Vengeance Fails! |
 | Marvel Team-Up #42 (Feb-76) | Visions of Hate! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #4 (Feb-76) | A Time Of Titans! |
 | Marvel Team-Up #43 (Mar-76) | A Past Gone Mad! |
 | Marvel Team-Up #44 (Apr-76) | Death in the Year Before Yesterday! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #5 (Apr-76) | By Doom Betrayed! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #6 (Jun-76) | Prisoner! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #7 (Aug-76) | Who Is...the Shroud? |
 | Marvel Treasury Special #1 (Sep-76) | Captain America's Bicentennial Battles |
 | Spidey Super Stories #19 (Oct-76) | The Day Of Doom |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #8 (Oct-76) | Battle Beneath the Big Top! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #9 (Dec-76) | Pawns of Attuma! |
| Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug # (Jan-77) | Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug (1977) |
 | The Avengers #155 (Jan-77) | To Stand Alone! |
 | The Avengers #156 (Feb-77) | It's A Battle to the Death Against the Deadly Weapons of Dr. Doom! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #10 (Feb-77) | The Sign of the Skull! |
 | The Amazing Spider-man (newspaper strip) #1 (Apr-77) | Time Of The Terrorist |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #11 (Apr-77) | Last Stand in Latveria! |
 | Spidey Super Stories Album #1 (Jun-77) | Deadly is the Doctor Called Doom |
 | The Mighty Marvel Superheroes Fun Book #2 (Jun-77) | All You Need Is A Pencil! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #12 (Jun-77) | Death-Duel! |
 | The Amazing Spider-man (newspaper strip) #10 (Jul-77) | Return To Reality |
 | Spidey Super Stories #25 (Aug-77) | Spider-Man And Web-Man |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #13 (Aug-77) | Who Shall Save Atlantis? |
 | The Champions #15 (Sep-77) | Death Drone! |
 | Iron Man #102 (Sep-77) | Dreadnight and the Daughter of Creation! |
 | Super-Villain Team-Up #14 (Oct-77) | Doom Supreme! |
 | The Champions #16 (Nov-77) | A World Lost! |
 | Master Of Kung Fu #59 (Dec-77) | The Phoenix Gambit Part 1 |
 | Marvel Comics Super Special #1 (Dec-77) | Kiss |
 | Fantastic Four #190 (Jan-78) | The Way It Was! |
 | Master of Kung Fu #60 (Jan-78) | Doom Game! |
 | Spidey Super Stories #31 (Feb-78) | Star Jaws! |
 | Thor #271 (May-78) | ...Like a Diamond in the Sky! |
 | The Amazing Spider-Man #181 (Jun-78) | The Pain -- And The Power! |
 | Fantastic Four #196 (Jul-78) | Who in the World Is the Invincible Man? |
 | Fantastic Four #197 (Aug-78) | The Riotus Return of the Red Ghost! |
 | Fantastic Four #198 (Sep-78) | Invasion!! |
 | The Invaders #32 (Sep-78) | Thunder in the East! |
 | The Invaders #33 (Oct-78) | A Time Of Titans! |
 | The New Fantastic Four (cartoon series) #11 (Oct-78) | The Fantastic Four Meet Doctor Doom |
 | Fantastic Four #199 (Oct-78) | The Son of Doctor Doom! |
 | The Defenders #65 (Nov-78) | Slime Creature! |
 | Fantastic Four #200 (Nov-78) | When Titans Clash! |
 | The New Fantastic Four (cartoon series) #12 (Dec-78) | The Final Victory of Doctor Doom |
 | Spider-Woman #13 (Apr-79) | Suddenly... The Shroud! |
 | Marvel Novel Series #5 (May-79) | Doomsday |
 | What If? #15 (Jul-79) | What If a Criminal Had Become Nova? |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #1 (Sep-79) | |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #2 (Oct-79) | |
 | What If? #18 (Dec-79) | What If Dr. Strange Had Been a Disciple of Dormammu? |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #5 (Jan-80) | |
 | A Golden Everything Workbook: Fun with words #1 (Jan-80) | Featuring the Fantastic Four and Other Super Heroes Characters |
 | A Golden Everything Workbook: Fun with words #2 (Jan-80) | Featuring the Incredible Hulk and Other Super Heroes Characters |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #6 (Feb-80) | It's Doctor Doom Against The Marvel Superheroes |
 | Marvel Two-In-One #60 (Feb-80) | Happiness Is a Warm Alien! |
 | Spidey Super Stories #45 (Mar-80) | The Sunshine Machine |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #7 (Mar-80) | |
 | Thor #293 (Mar-80) | The Twilight of SOME Gods! |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #8 (Apr-80) | |
 | What If? #20 (Apr-80) | What If the Avengers Had Fought the Kree-Skrull War Without Rick Jones? |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #9 (May-80) | |
 | What If? #21 (Jun-80) | Decline and Fall!; (What If... Sub-Mariner Had Married the Invisible Girl? chapter 1) |
 | The Defenders #85 (Jul-80) | ?? |
 | Fantastic Four #220 (Jul-80) | And the Lights Went Out All Over the World! |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #11 (Jul-80) | |
 | What If? #22 (Aug-80) | What If Doctor Doom Had Become a Hero? |
 | Fun And Games Magazine #13 (Sep-80) | |
 | Crazy Magazine #68 (Nov-80) | The Super Fantasy... |
 | The Defenders #90 (Dec-80) | ?? |
 | The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #14 (Dec-80) | Spidey and Doctor Strange Versus Doctor Doom and the Dread Dormammu |
 | Fantastic Four Annual #15 (Dec-80) | The Power of the People! |
 | The Uncanny X-Men #141 (Jan-81) | Days Of Future Past |
 | Dazzler #3 (May-81) | Enter... Doom! |
 | The Uncanny X-Men #145 (May-81) | Kidnapped! |
 | Spider-Woman Bubble Funnies Mini Comic #4 (Jun-81) | To Defy Doctor Doom! |
 | Dazzler #4 (Jun-81) | A Force for Good... A Force for Evil... As Doom Commands! |
 | The Uncanny X-Men #146 (Jun-81) | Murderworld! |
 | Marvel Treasury Edition #28 (Jul-81) | The Murderous Menace of... Doctor Doom and the Parasite! |
 | Spidey Super Stories #53 (Jul-81) | Doctor Doom Meets Prince Namor! |
 | Dazzler #5 (Jul-81) | Tell Joey I Love Him! |
 | The Uncanny X-Men #147 (Jul-81) | Rogue Storm! |
 | Iron Man #149 (Aug-81) | Doomquest |
 | Crazy Magazine #78 (Sep-81) | More Marvel Superheroes That Didn't Quite Make It |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #2 (Sep-81) | Dr. Doom, Master Of The World |
 | Spider-man And His Amazing Friends (1981 Cartoon series) #3 (Sep-81) | The Fantastic Mr. Frump |
 | Iron Man #150 (Sep-81) | Trapped in the Time-Lost Land of King Arthur-- Iron Man Battles Doctor Doom! |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #3 (Oct-81) | The Doctor Prescribes Doom |
 | What If? #29 (Oct-81) | What If the Avengers Defeated Everybody? |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #12 (Nov-81) | The A-B-C's of D-O-O-M |
 | Fantastic Four #236 (Nov-81) | Terror in a Tiny Town / The Challenge Of Dr. Doom! |
 | Dazzler #10 (Dec-81) | In the Darkness... a Light! |
 | Fantastic Four #237 (Dec-81) | The Eyes Have It! |
 | Crazy Magazine #82 (Jan-82) | Do-It-Yourself Comic Book |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #17 (Jan-82) | Canon of Doom |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #19 (Jan-82) | The Doom Report |
 | Spider-man (1981 Cartoon series) #21 (Jan-82) | Countdown to Doom |
 | Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk #1 (Jan-82) | The Colorado Caper! |
 | Fantastic Four #238 (Jan-82) | The Lady IS For Burning |
 | The Amazing Spider-man (newspaper strip) #30 (Mar-82) | Doctor Doom and the Flying Saucer |
 | Fantastic Four Roast #1 (May-82) | When Titans Chuckle! |
 | Micronauts #41 (May-82) | Doom! |
 | What If? #33 (Jun-82) | What If Iron Man Had Been Trapped In King Arthur's Time? |
 | Silver Surfer #1 (Jun-82) | Escape--To Terror! |
 | Fantastic Four #244 (Jul-82) | Beginnings and Endings |
 | Micronauts #43 (Jul-82) | Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig! |
 | What If? #34 (Aug-82) | Doctor Doom had a sense of humor |
 | Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends #17 (Sep-82) | Spider-Man: Unmasked! |
 | Fantastic Four #246 (Sep-82) | Too Many Dooms |
 | Fantastic Four #247 (Oct-82) | This Land Is Mine! |
 | Thor #325 (Nov-82) | A Deal With Darkoth |
 | Doctor Strange #57 (Feb-83) | Gather My Disciples Before Me! |
 | Marvel Two-In-One #96 (Feb-83) | Visiting Hours! |
 | The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe #3 (Mar-83) | From The Collector To Dracula |
 | Marvel Two-In-One #100 (Jun-83) | Aftermath! |
 | The Thing #1 (Jul-83) | Lifelines |
 | The Avengers #234 (Aug-83) | The Witch's Tale! |
 | Fantastic Four #258 (Sep-83) | Interlude |
 | Marvel Team-Up #133 (Sep-83) | The World According to... Faustus! |
 | Fantastic Four #259 (Oct-83) | Three Against Doomsday! |
 | The Amazing Spider-Man #246 (Nov-83) | The Daydreamers |
 | Fantastic Four #260 (Nov-83) | When Titans Clash! |
 | Marvel Fanfare #11 (Nov-83) | Unusu-Al Pin-Ups! |
 | The Thing #6 (Dec-83) | Mindscape |
 | What If? #42 (Dec-83) | What if Susan Richards Died in Childbirth? |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #1 (May-84) | The War Begins! |
 | The Incredible Hulk #295 (May-84) | Turning Point! |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #2 (Jun-84) | Prisoners Of War! |
 | The Thing #12 (Jun-84) | Doomworld |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #3 (Jul-84) | Tempest Without, Crisis Within! |
 | Fantastic Four #268 (Jul-84) | The Masque of Doom! |
 | Marvel Fanfare #15 (Jul-84) | that night... |
 | The Thing #13 (Jul-84) | Rocky Grimm Space Ranger Part III: In All The Gathering Gloom |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #4 (Aug-84) | Situation: Hopeless! |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #5 (Sep-84) | The Battle Of Four Armies! |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #6 (Oct-84) | A Little Death... |
 | Doctor Doom Costume #2 (Oct-84) | Ben Cooper Doctor Doom Mask |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #7 (Nov-84) | Berzerker! |
 | Questprobe (video game) #3 (Nov-84) | featuring Human Torch and the Thing |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #8 (Dec-84) | Invasion! |
 | Beauty and the Beast #1 (Dec-84) | Beauty and the Beast Part 1 |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #9 (Jan-85) | Assault On Galactus! |
 | Marvel Fanfare #18 (Jan-85) | The Terry Austin Portfolio |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #10 (Feb-85) | Death To The Beyonder! |
 | Beauty and the Beast #2 (Feb-85) | Heartbreak Hotel |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #11 (Mar-85) | ... And Dust To Dust! |
 | Marvel Super-Heroes Secret Wars #12 (Apr-85) | ... Nothing To Fear |
 | Beauty and the Beast #3 (Apr-85) | Showtime |
 | Fantastic Four #278 (May-85) | True Lies |
 | Beauty and the Beast #4 (Jun-85) | Checkmate |
 | Fantastic Four #279 (Jun-85) | Doomsday Plus One! |
 | Secret Wars II #1 (Jul-85) | Earthfall! |
 | Secret Wars II #3 (Sep-85) | This World Is Mine! |
 | The Uncanny X-Men #197 (Sep-85) | To Save Arcade?!? |
 | Secret Wars II #6 (Dec-85) | Life Rules! |
 | Secret Wars II #7 (Jan-86) | Charge Of The Dark Brigade! |
 | Fantastic Four #287 (Feb-86) | Prisoner of the Flesh |
 | The Spectacular Spider-Man #111 (Feb-86) | And Then the Gods Cried |
 | Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars RPG #1 (Mar-86) | Secret Wars |
 | Marvel Superheroes Role-Playing Game Judge Book #1 (Mar-86) | Judge's Book |
 | Marvel Superheroes Metal Miniatures #1 (Mar-86) | Metal Miniatures |
 | Marvel Superheroes Players Book #1 (Mar-86) | Player's Book |
 | Marvel Superheroes Adventure Fold-Up Figures #1 (Mar-86) | Fold-Up Figures |
 | Fantastic Four #288 (Mar-86) | Full Circle |
 | The Avengers #269 (Jul-86) | The Once and Future Kang! |
 | Cloak and Dagger #9 (Nov-86) | The Lady and the Unicorn |
 | The Amazing Spider-Man #283 (Dec-86) | With Foes Like These... |
 | Marvel Graphic Novel #27 (Jan-87) | Emperor Doom |
 | Cloak and Dagger #10 (Jan-87) | Who'll Stop The Rain? |
 | Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #1 (Feb-87) | Are You Sure? |
 | Marvel Superheroes Fantastic Four Compendium #1 (Mar-87) | Fantastic Four Compendium |
 | Fantastic Four #300 (Mar-87) | Dearly Beloved? |
 | Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #2 (Mar-87) | Truth and Consequences |
 | Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #3 (Apr-87) | By the Soul's Darkest Light |
 | Fantastic Four vs. X-Men #4 (Jun-87) | A Matter of Faith |
 | Marvel Fanfare #33 (Jul-87) | (poster) |
 | Silver Surfer #1 (Jul-87) | Free |
 | Fantastic Four #305 (Aug-87) | All in the Family! |
 | Fantastic Four Annual #20 (Aug-87) | The Fearsome Fate of Franklin Richards-- --At the Hands of Doctor Doom! |
 | West Coast Avengers #23 (Aug-87) | Showtime! Lost in Space-Time: Conclusion! |
 | Thor #383 (Sep-87) | Crisis on Battleworld! |