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Blog: You've Got To Have A Plan
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Getting that done - or at least done to the first draft stage - was a HUGE relief as I've been spending a LOT of time on it for the past couple of months, and there's other things that I can now be getting one with. The first of these, as discussed yesterday, was UNLEASHING AI Guy as a single. This has involved a FLURRY of activity, not least doing the video, but I don't have to worry about booking PROMOTIONAL GIGS as I've already got a gig booked in Middlewich in February, as well as an online show for the lovely people at the Internet Archive, which will be available for everyone shortly afterwards.
That means that the next BIG thing is to start working on the Doctor Doom SHOW - as mentioned previously I've already written some SONGS for this, but I need to get on with sorting out how it all WORKS. The first step is going to be devising ten minutes of stuff for my forthcoming appearance at An Evening Of Unnecessary Detail, when I shall be DEBUTING a couple of songs, and then working it up into a proper thing. I'm currently taking the first steps towards booking slots at some FESTIVALS, which feels a bit scary. In the past I've at least had a DRAFT of a show written before booking Actual Gigs, so it will be nice to have SOMETHING worked out!
Then there's also the SECRET PROJECT which continues apace - I've just finished recording the final (for the moment) batch DEMOES for my SECRET COLLABORATOR and then hopefully within the next month or two we'll get together to do the SECRET NEXT THING, at which point, all being well, I'll be able to tell you what it SECRETLY IS!
It all feels like quite a lot of different STUFF going on, and that's not even considering various WORK STUFF that's occurring. THUS I find it is very very VERY helpful and reassuring to have a PLAN written down for what I'm doing when. For example, the PLAN has been telling me for a couple of months that I've got to get that there DOOM chapter finished off BEFORE I allow myself the fun of doing the Doom SHOW, lest my BRANE get all confused. As stated earlier, that's done now so it's on to the next thing. I must admit I am feeling slightly a) AFEARED but b) EXCITED about it all. There's a lot to do, but if I just stick to THE PLAN all should be well!
posted 16/1/2025 by MJ Hibbett
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