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Blog: Talking About TV Comic

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The latest episode of The Funny Comics Fan Club has just gone onto the interwebs, and I think this is my favourite one so far. I wouldn't necessarily expect that to be the case, as it's about a copy of TV Comic from 1970, so it contains a bunch of strips that I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with, but it turned out to be a CRACKING 49 minutes and 51 seconds of me and John nattering on about a wide variety of topics, some of which were actually to do with the comic we were reading, but many not. You can hear it for yourself HERE:

I keep meaning to say that, as hinted at above, although it is based AROUND a particular comic, it isn't an entirely dry assessment OF that particular comic. Also, although we do OF COURSE offer intellectual insight into the history of British comics and various theories about them, it is not ENTIRELY DRY and may feature items of interest to people who are not British and/or not hugely invested in the world of comics. This episode in particular features quite a lot of TITTING ABOUT that is not directly relevant to either of the above, especially late on in the episode when we get to the adventures of Popeye and the nature of hoedowns.

As you will be able to tell if you have a listen, John and I rather enjoyed ourselves recording this one, and I hope that others might get some pleasure from it too. We're both keen to get the word out about it to more people if we can, so if you, dear reader, are able to MENTION it somewhere that would be highly appreciated. As they say in the world of professional-type podcasts, please do like and subscribe!

posted 28/10/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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