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Blog: Lonely Tourist and Mr Spoons

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Last night we gathered once more at The King And Queen for a rather spectacular evening of Totally Acoustic, with guest artistes Lonely Tourist and Mr Spoons. It all went very well indeed!

I knew it was going to be good when BOTH of the guests arrived early and were DELIGHTFUL, but then things got rapidly better and better as a multitude of Unexpected Pals appeared, not least Mr G Urquhart, who had travelled down from Glasgow FOR THE EVENING just to be there! Amazingly he wasn't the ONLY person to have come from Scotland for the gig either, as a couple of other people told me they'd done the same. We also got visits from Mr P Clarke, Mr C T-T and the legendary Mr P Buckley-Hill, as well as some International Rock Stars, various pals and regulars, and first-time attendees. All of which meant that, by the time we kicked, off pretty much every seat in the room was full. This made me very happy!

We kicked off with a rendition of the theme tune as usual, and then I did THIS:
  • Bad Back
  • I'm Doing The Ironing
  • It Only Works Because You're here

  • That all seemed to go all right - I had a lovely time anyway - and then it was Mr Spoons' turn. As he said, he was a bit nervous as it was his first time doing a gig of mostly his own material, but it went GRATE. I particularly liked the genius idea of kicking off with a song ABOUT the fact that he was playing a ukelele, and explaining to the audience that it was all going to be FINE. It was dead good, and I confidently predict it will not be the LAST time he rocks out in such a fashion.

    We then had a break for MAXI-CHAT and then Lonely Tourist came on for a STUNNING set. I must admit that I was quite surprised to see him kick off with what I consider to be two MASSIVE bangers that I'd've expected to come at the END, but then he kept on in pretty much the same way in a set of just GORGEOUS songs full of emotion and humour and... well, it was very good indeed, and the inter-song CHAT was brilliant too. It was the first time I'd seen him play live, after listening to and loving his records for a few years, and I'm going to make a proper effort to get out and see him again as soon as is sensible, he was GRATE!

    When that was all done there was the usual AMPLE time for chat, and discussions ranged widely and included some rather exciting POSSIBLE PLANS for future stuff. I also got talking to a couple of chaps who'd not been before, one of whom said "Did you write that song... what's it called?" and I thought "AHA! Obviously he is thinking of Hey Hey 16K" but NO! To my GRATE delight he meant Agile, which pleased me IMMENSELY. Apparently it is being POSTED in work chats, which was basically what it was written for. HOORAY!

    This was a high point in an evening what was FULL of them - it really could not have gone much better, and I'm very much planning to do another one soon. Well, soon-ISH anyway!

    posted 25/10/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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    I was one of the two blokes at the end. Was an awesome night. And yes, Agile has been posted to my development team too much geeky hilarity. Looking forward to the next one.
    posted 25/10/2024 by Ade

    It was a great night mate. So nice to go to a gig and having the entire room listening and appreciating the music. All three sets were groovy and great. X
    posted 25/10/2024 by Les

    Great night Mark glad I made the effort....and the trains ran on time....🤣
    posted 26/10/2024 by Gary

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