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Blog: A Newsletter Of News

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Let joy be unconfined around the land, for LO! it is the last working day of the month which means a) it is PAYDAY for those of us what gets paid upon this day and b) it is time for the latest edition of The Last Working Day Of The Month!

This month's newsletter is UNUSUALLY rich in content - or at least it is in terms of recent times. Many years ago, when I was in my full GIG POMP, the newsletter was always PACKED with forthcoming dates and recording details, but since COVID and so forth these have been rather sparse. I am thus DELIGHTED to say that this time around there are no less than FIVE (5) gigs listed, and not just in London neither.

Which reminds me - I have just started PRACTICING for these gigs (if you noticed THE MAN looking afeared this week, that's probably why) and have a LIST of about 30 songs to try and learn up. I will probably end up doing the same 8-12 songs at ALL the gigs as I usually do, but in this early period of OPTIMISM I am looking forward to trying out a few songs I have rarely - or even NEVER - done in public before. THUS if anybody has any songs they would PARTICULARLY like me to play (preferably at a gig you might be attending) do please let me know - it takes a minimum of about a MONTH for me to learn anything up, so get requests in early and I'll have a go!

In the meantime, do please have a look at the newsletter when you have a mo, it is full of loads of other stuff to READ and READ ABOUT, we may not see it's like again for quite some time!

posted 30/8/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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