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Blog: Get Your Comic On

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Last week, as part of the general TUMULT of Talking About Doctor Doom, I recorded a podcast interview with Mr James Lister for the comics NEWS and VIEWS site Get Your Comic On, and we had a DELIGHTFUL time. Opinions roamed widely and we even came up with a solution for the problem of what Marvel are going to do with Robert Downey Jr's expensive FACE when he's playing a character who wears a mask.

The idea was that this would be used as part of their regular podcast, and I think that is still the plan, but I am very happy to say that James has gone "Oh sod it, let's stick the whole thing out" and has very much done exactly that, unleashing THE LOT on an unwitting world. THUS you can see for yourself the moment when we both realised that the RDJ FACE idea is a really good one, and witness us both getting ever so excited about the Doom news in general.

It was, as you can probably tell, REALLY GOOD FUN. If anybody else wants me to come on and yack at them similarly, now that I am PUBLICALLY RECOGNISED as The World's Leading And Only Academic Expert On Doctor Doom (citation NOT required), please do let me know. I am ready to enter THE PODOSPHERE!

posted 20/8/2024 by MJ Hibbett

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