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Blog: Just the STATS

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A while ago I set up a database of GIGS. I did this for many reasons, the most important being that i was BORED, but also because I'd had a lengthy discussion with The Wetness In My Water about what gigs on certain days of the week mean e.g. Fridays and Saturday are Proper Gig Days, Mondays are Singers Nights, Tuesdays are Local Bands and so on. I was trying to impress upon her that my recent GOOD GIGS were due to the general MOVEMENT of my gigs towards Saturdays and, especially, away from Sundays (Sundays are the night you put on EITHER your mates or people who've been begging you for a gig for ages). THUS i entered as many gigs as I could find, going back to the middle of 1997, and FACTED in various bits of information.

And LO! Below is a GRAPH showing that, but for a mighty BLIP last year, the trend of Gig Days is INDEED headed for Saturdays. HOORAH!
[graphic removed due to TIME]

posted 27/11/2003 by MJ Hibbett

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