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Blog: A Froth Of Ideas
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To put it bluntly: I'm quite busy.
HOWEVER, as is always the way, my BRANE has picked this time to go "OOH! OOH! Here's an idea! How about THIS?!?" persistently from waking up to laying me down to sleep. I've had a rather EXCELLENT idea for a Songwriter NETWORKING (yes!) EVENT which I'm going to start sorting out soon, a STORY that I'm going to turn into a SPEC SCRIPT for next year's planned Mid-Life Crisis, and this very I had a STUNNING REVELATION about exactly how the aforesaid Dinosaur Planet could be made to work as a stage musical. The other night Mr T Eveleigh repeated his assertation that he might know an Amateur Dramatic TROUPE who could be up for doing it, and ever since then I have been thinking about how BRILLIANT that would be. I can see the big DANCE EXTRAVAGANZA of the GIANT ROBOTS in glorious technicolour!
It's all very delightful, and much preferable to having NO ideas, but it isn't half exhausting. The thing I am MOST PLEASED ABOUT for Edinburgh this year is the fact that we're on at 5pm, so I can once again have MASSIVE LIE-INS every day. If the BRANE continues at this rate I think i'm going to need them!
posted 14/7/2011 by MJ Hibbett
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An Artists Against Success Presentation