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Blog: Not My Day
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Yes, the ROMANCE is over - i am now COMPLAINING about the Tube and therefore i officially LIVE in London. STRIKE A LIGHT GAVNOR etc etc. Should i start moaning about property prices yet, or would that be a bit much?
Anyway, THEN (yes gentle reader, there is MORE) i went for a lunchtime swim, only for the FIRE ALARM to go off. We struggled out of the pool, into tinfoil blankets, and then were ushered out. "Don't worry", said the young tykes in charge of us "We'll take you somewhere room - follow us!" and off we went, round to the other side of the University of London Union building. Passed all the people who had been insides. HUNDREDS of them.
I wouldn't have minded if it had been a bit further into the year, and my MANLY BODY had fitted a little bit more comfortably into the SKIMPY TINFOIL, or if 15,000 people had not said "Ho ho! Look at the wet nearly nude people! Are you cold?"
LAWKS. It ain't right i tell ee, is this any way to treat a poor country boy, cast into the big city?
posted 23/1/2003 by MJ Hibbett
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