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Blog: Totally Acoustic
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Note TWO brand new songs from Dinosaur Planet in there, alongside the Introductory LEITMOTIF (possibly) to (theme from) Dinosaur Planet (introductory leitmotif) (or "a bit of the chorus" for those of a non-classical bent). I did it all with the VAGUE idea of how it'll work in the show, and it APPEARED to go OK. I'm considering SHOE HORNING Work's All Right (when it's a proper job) into it too, tho I may have to learn the chords properly first!The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B)
I Come From The Fens
(theme from) Dinosaur Planet (introductory leitmotif)
Don't, Darren, Don't
(theme from) Dinosaur Planet
My Theory Of A Dinosaur Planet
Work's All Right (when it's a proper job)
Hey Hey 16K
All The Good Men
After me Tim had calmed down sufficiently to do his set, which was GRATE - I've never actually seen him play before so was a) relieved it WAS good b) gladdened to discover that the extensive talking he does when introducing other people on stage is as nothing compared to the extensive talking he does introducing his own songs! It was lovely, i DO like a bit of chat.
Which is lucky really as Mr B Fischer, who was on after the traditional Beer Break likes it very much TOO! He was his usual excellent self, and I was especially pleased that he did "The Last Biscuit In The Barrel" at the end - that's my favourite one, it's BRILL!
As ever at Totally Acoustic the GOOD TIMES continued long after the gig had finished - LONG after in this case, with us making it all the way to closing time with IN-DEPTH discussions ranging over topics VARIOUS, including some HEATED debate over Doctor Who. Just for a change.
Bob stayed over at ours last night, and I've just escorted him to the Overground station, where we had to RUN up the stairs to make the train, with me shouting "Blackhorse Road! Get off at Blackhorse Road" as we SPED FORTH. I hope he heard me all right!
posted 25/2/2009 by MJ Hibbett
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