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Blog: Weekend OUTPUT

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WHAT an Active weekend i have just had. It commenced on Friday with a night out featuring some of my oldest PALS, and we had a GRATE time, featuring BOOZE. It was lovely, although i must once again draw the attention of pub landlords to the VIRUSES that seem to populate so many of our public houses, for when I woke up next day i felt AWFUL. Come on, sort it out, if i wanted to feel worse LEAVING an institution than when I went in I'd check myself into hospital!

I BRAVELY battled on through the mysterious headache, dry mouth and BOWELFULNESS of the rest of the day and got quite a lot of Creative Type Stuff DONE. I've got a Recording Session this Wednesday so dutifully sat down and PRACTICED doing my singing, as well as working through and RE-WRITING a couple of songs. Most notable of these is One Of The Walls Of My House Fell In, which has had the whole of the last verse re-done. I've never really been happy with it in its previous form, which featured a list of ENTIRELY FICTIONAL Girls, rejecting my advances. It felt NAUGHTY to be so cavalier with the truth, so I moved it in a different direction and THEN found myself SWERVING from my traditional Here Is The Moral Of The Story at the end and doing something slightly different. I like it, and sang it MANY times.

I also got on and wrote a couple of new articles for my Tales From The Conference League column in Sandman Magazine. I thought this had totally ground to a halt, as I'd not heard anything from them for MONTHS, but it turned out I'd just left them a LARGE stockpile which they've now worked through. I'm WELL chuffed to be doing them again I must admit, as I do rather like it - the first few (which you can see on the updated list of previous articles, should you so wish) were a bit WORTHY but after a while it changed into something like My Exciting Life In ROCK, and I think, if I get to keep doing it, I'll try doing a few stories from gigs BEFORE 1997, when My Exciting Life In ROCK starts. There are MANY stories.

I also did a MASSIVE BODGE JOB pretty much GLUING some brackets for a blind to a wall, I'd like to think this ALSO was Being Creative, tho it may turn up to Being Cranally Wounded when I try to put the actual blind up tonight...

posted 14/1/2008 by MJ Hibbett

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