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Blog: Glynfest

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I nipped out of work a little early on Friday and went up to St Pancras where I met The Furnishings In My Hotel Room and HO! off we went to scenic Leicester for GLYNFEST, the birthday do of Glyn Who Goes To Millions Of Gigs In Leicester.

I'd booked us into the Ibis - i LOVE Ibis hotels, especially the one in Leicester as it is QUITE LITERALLY five minutes from the railway station - and not the entrance either, but the PLATFORMS. I love them in GENERAL because they are almost EXACTLY the same wherever you go. We got into the room and, although I'd never been in that PARTICULAR one it was already like being home, or at least in the spare room of a PAL. I know some people like hotels to have "character" or "romance" but, personally, i think you can find that much more easily in the PLACE you go to and the PERSON you go with. Usually when I am travelling it is to see ONE of these, so the presence or otherwise of FASCINATING CHANDELIERS IN THE LOBBY is not something i am that bothered with.

Anyway, we got ourselves sorted out before heading over to ASK to meet with, also to eat with, Tom "Tiger" McClure. We had a very pleasant time, and i THINK i have persuaded him to grow a BEARD.

Soon it was time for the next stage of our journey, and before long we were sat upstairs at The Firebug, waiting our soundcheck. That done there was BEER, and soon Mr Whitaker arrived. He was in EXTREMELY high spirits and a JOY to behold, and the four of us passed our time very pleasantly until first myself and then Tom HIT the stage, and did THIS:
  • The Peterborough All-Saints' Wide Game Team (Group B)
  • I Did A Gig In New York
  • The Perfect Love Song
  • Red & White Sockets
  • Mental Judo
  • The Gay Train
  • Do The Indie Kid
  • The Lesson Of The Smiths
  • Easily Impressed

  • The first few songs were done solo, with Tom joining me for Mental Judo, which I announced "HILARIOUSLY" as "A song i wrote about Tom... it's called WHY YOU SO SEXY?" Well, I thought it was funny at the time anyway. The set was all very pleasant and lovely and, as Mr Whitaker later said, from the BANTER you could TELL we had done this a few times before. I must say I'm VERY pleased we've got the Hibbett/McClure double act working again, it is ALWAYS fun.

    That done we retired to the bar for MORE CHAT, which was highly pleasurable, and a close observer might have observed a slight WOBBLE to some of our GAITS when we said our goodbyes. Next morning The Bacteria In My Fermentation Process and i HURTLED out of our hotel to make the 10am train to London, there to meet said Whitaker heading South for a STAG DO. We were SHOCKED and AFEARED to find, via text, that he'd MISSED the train! IT'S A MYSTERY HOW THIS COULD HAPPEN!

    posted 20/8/2007 by MJ Hibbett

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