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Songs: The Home Of Her Dreams
notes / gigs / releasesUp at the top of the shop she looked down and thought
It could be easily done
All of her problems could come to a halt
If she just had the gumption to jump
But the thought of the mess it'd make for someone
And the chance that she'd just break her leg
Makes her come back, take a last soggy drag
And she's soon plodding down through the steps
Back at the job in the shop that she got when she lost
Any hope that she'd ever be free
Of the debt she'd accepted when she signed away
Her whole life for the home of her dreams
And come nine o'clock she's already locked up
And she's off to the club to clock on
She works on the door, then she's mopping the floor
When the clientele finally go home
Then it's red bull and coke as she takes off her coat
When the agency van picks her up
Does eight hours on the line, finishes just in time
To get back into town on the bus
Back at the job in the shop that she got when she lost
Any hope that she'd ever be free
Of the debt she'd accepted when she signed away
Her whole life for the home of her dreams
The only way she could manage to pay
Was to stopping wasting time in her sleep
So she took on more jobs till she found that she'd not
Been through her own front door for a week
So she went back to the house, cleaned and rented it out
And with repayments increased, realised
If she could manage to live to a hundred and six
She might be able to retire
From the job in the shop that she got when she lost
Any hope that she'd ever be free
Of the debt she'd accepted when she signed away
Her whole life for the home of her dreams
But the job in the shop was the last tiny drop
In the bucket that caused it to spill
She had a heart attack, leaving shelves yet to pack
Cracked her head as she fell on the till
She hoped to be dead, but she woke up in bed
With a lawyer beside who frowned
He said now you've emerged from your coma I'd urge
You to declare insolvency now
And her pleas were rejected, her tenants ejected
And she found herself in bankrupcy
And the job in the shop, that was lost but she got
Back her hopes, and her life and her dreams
She slept for a week
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
This one was started off on the ukelele, moved over to guitar, STRUGGLED over for a bit (poncing around the house going "But who IS this woman?!?") and then finished off back on the guitar. I think all the rhymes I DIDN'T use in the other songs must have ended up here!