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Songs: Not Everything
notes / gigs / releasesDo you remember where it was or what we played
That night when we did our first gig?
I hovered in mid-air for most of the next day
I was convinced we were on to something big
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
We sent our demoes off with photograph attached
We saw the source of the M1
Each new year's eve believed our time had come at last
Each night we hoped this gig would be The One
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
But now we're back and nothing's changed except the names
Of sixth form bands who sit above us on the bill
In their faces there's no space to fail in
The dream is still the same
We should know better
But I hope we never will
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
Those were the days
When doing this meant everything
These are the days
Of knowing it's not everything
Not everything
Not everything
Not everything
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
Goodness knows what this is doing in here, on a tape that was meant to be me venting "silly" ideas. This is fairly typical of the sort of "serious" song I'd been writing around this time, where I appear to have thought that proper songs were DOUR and with NO gags at all.
I do remember being rather proud of it at the time, as it has "proper" singing in it (well, an attempt at it anyway) and that "faces/space/fail" bit. It's weird to listen to know tho, SO many years later, and hear me being Old, Wise, and Nostalgic for a time that was only a couple of years ago! These recordings were all made around the time of the Voon Reunion, which is why I'm expressing surprise to find that nothing had changed in the long long... couple of years since we'd last played.
The sample at the end, by the way, IS from the first ever Voon gig, at the comedy club I ran and compered with Simon. Si does the intro, then I start talking, while Neil was too nervous to say anything!