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Songs: I Think I Did OK
notes / gigs / releasesLying here, hungover
Last night to be raked over
A self-assessment of the cruellest kind
Analysis intensive
Examination forensic
But nothing truly awful comes to mind
Oh let my hopes be buoyant
I wasn't too annoying
And I think I did OK
I think I didn't say
Too much that was too rude
Or could be misconstrued
In the cold hard light of day
I think I did OK
Those bon mots what I dropped
Did they go badly wrong?
Were people dead offended
Are there fences
That need mending?
Did I come across as sarcastic?
Were my hugs over-enthusiastic?
Did I swear too much
Or not enough?
No I'm sure I was insightful
I am always delightful
And I think I did OK
I think I didn't say
Too much that was too rude
Or could be misconstrued
In the cold hard light of day
I think I did OK
Were my witticisms
Taken as criticims?
Did my breath stink?
Do I owe someone a drink?
Did that woman think I was staring?
What on earth did I think I was wearing?
Somehow I can't help thinking
I used to be a lot better at drinking
I never was
Sod this for a game of soldiers
I'm not a teenager, I'm very slightly older
And I think I did OK
I think I didn't say
Too much that was too rude
Or could be misconstrued
In the cold hard light of day
I think I did OK
I think I did OK
I think I didn't say
Too much that was too rude
Or could be misconstrued
In the cold hard light of day
I think I did OK
I am always delightful
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
Basically the contents of my BRANE every morning after I've been in any kind of social situation the night before - this is probably the TRUEST song I have ever written!