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Songs: Clean Girl
notes / gigs / releasesI don't want a girl who's loose and flirty
That kind of girl to me is quite obscene
I don't want a girl who's talking dirty
All I want's a girl who's clean
I want a Clean Girl (clean girl)
Clean Girl (clean girl)
All I want's a girl who's clean
I want a Clean Girl (clean girl)
Clean Girl (clean girl)
All I want's a girl who's clean
I don't want a girl who's mean and moody
I don't want a girl who's ever rude
All i want's a girl who's feeling broody
And does her skinny dipping in the nude
I want a Clean Girl (clean girl)
Clean Girl (clean girl)
All I want's a girl who's clean
I want a Clean Girl (clean girl)
Clean Girl (clean girl)
All I want's a girl who's clean
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
This song has a LENGTHY history. I can distinctly remember where i was when i thought of the song - walking along Fosse Road North towards my flat on Kirby Road. I'd stopped at the traffic lights on the corner of King Richard's Road, and saw a car waiting at those very same lights. In the back was a young woman who looked like muck had never touched her, pale of skin, disdain the dominant feature of her face, and a mighty Alice Band keeping her hair in firm military order. The sort of GURL i had first encountered when i entered the MELTING POT of polytechnic, and found there were women around who were a) much much MUCH posher than anyone i had ever encountered before, and b) way out of my league. I looked at her and thought "There goes a Clean Girl..." and WHAMMO! Suddenly the ENTIRE SONG came rushing into my head - i RAN home, and in the 2 minutes it took me to get in and up to the kitchen the whole darn thing was written.
Perhaps you could have guessed that from reading it.
Anyway, it sound around for a while amongst all the other songs (this was a time when i was EXTREMELY prolific, and as well as four or five solo tape albums, a set full of songs for The Council and about as many for Voon, i had so many leftovers that i recorded 50 minutes worth of songs that never got used anywhere, just as something to do over Easter. Ah me! This was a long time before there was ever a song bung!), until we got asked to do a Council gig. These only came round about once a year, and so we decided to do something Special. We were performing, i think, with The Yummy Fur, so to make this Prestigious Occassion we decided to do an entire set of Country and Western songs. Me, Neil and Tim got DOLLED UP in Western gear, we both wrote some new songs (I did Another Man's Laundry especially for the occasion, and one about being somebody's squaw, or something [it was rude], but i can't remember what Neil came up with), and finished off with some C&W versions of our own songs, especially "Dirty Old Man". The best bit of the gig was me and Neil talking in Rubbish Cowboy Accents the whole time, and taking the piss out of "Clem" on drums for not never saying nothing.
It then lay fallow for many months, until we embarked upon Voon Mk 2, when it was brought into our Brand New Set, now with added VOCAL GURNING from Dr Brown. I seem to recall me and Simon getting really annoyed with him when recording it, as he refused to do the backing vocals in the appropriate GURNING fashion, and when he eventually did there was Surprise and Relief from all, especialy Neil. I very much remember doing during our "residency" at the Durham Ox, though not, for some reason, on the night we recorded it for the Live At The Durham Ox tape, and I vaguely recall doing it once when I played at the Ox on my own. Other than that, it's only other outing was at the Voon Reunion for Sorted Supremo Dave DIxey's 40th Birthday a few years ago.
I really like it though, it's LOTS of fun to sing. Maybe it will see the light of day again some time...