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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 85
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Hello all, and welcome to this STEP INTO SPRING edition of the newsletter. We've got podcasts, downloads and good old fashioned ACTUAL GIGS to talk about this time, so let's get to it!
Monday 2 April - Leicester Square Theatre, London
'Stand Up Tragedy' with Rachel Parris, Bec Hill, Liars' League and Alex Holmes
Tickets here: http://leicestersquaretheatre.ticketsolve.com/shows/126520120/events.
Thursday 12 - The King & Queen, London
Totally Acoustic with Chris T-T and Benjamin Shaw
Monday 16 April - Mr Wolf's, Bristol
With Gavin Osborn
Tuesday 17 April - The Station, Birmingham
With Gavin Osborn, Frankie Machine and David Leach
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
The final episode of "Moon Horse VS The Mars Men of Jupiter" is available to listen to and download for free RIGHT NOW from the Moon Horse website, here:
Watch out for an exciting announcement at the end! And if you'd like to have the whole story without interruptions you can buy it as a Pay What You Like download album (with additional exclusive VIDEO of an entire show) from our bandcamp site, right HERE:
Earlier this month we put out a press release about the DELIGHTFUL FACT that loads of KIDS seem to be getting into the "Dinosaur Planet" album. It didn't get picked up by many places, but I really LIKED it, so here it is for your enjoyment:
The album is still VERY MUCH AVAILABLE to buy ( http://www.dinosaurplanet.co.uk/shop.php), and if you need some persuading you can see more reviews and interviews on our very LIKEable Dinosaur Planet Facebook page, HERE:
Our next show is on Thursday 12th April with Chris T-T and Benjamin Shaw at The King & Queen, and the latest podcast, featuring the ever marvellous Peter Buckley Hill, can be found HERE:
Starting in September I'm going to be doing a part-time MA in PLAYWRITING. This is all very exciting, but it does mean I'm going to have to cut RIGHT back on solo gigs for a couple of years. So, if you fancy coming to see me in the live environment, do it SOON!
I've recorded a special session comprising acoustical version of 'Dinosaur Planet' songs for Shane Quentin's 'Garden Of Earthly Delights', which is broadcast at 10pm TONIGHT on CRMK radio - you should be able to listen to it live HERE:
I've also recorded an episode of Mr P Baran's excellent "Lost Property Office" show on SOAS radio, which you'll be able to hear as a podcast from Wednesday at the Freaky Trigger website, HERE:
And finally - ages ago me and Frankie Machine did a version of "I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar" for a Jonathan Richman album. It never happened, so I thought I'd put it online, HERE:
And I think that's MORE than enough excitement for one month - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
< issue 84 | issue 86 > |