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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 80
< issue 79 | issue 81 > |
Hello everyone - we've got a free download single, a video, album delays and some gigs to talk about this month, so let's get going shall we?
Saturday 5 November - The Chameleon, Nottingham
The return of The Validators, with August Actually, HotMIM and Burly Nagasaki.
Thursday 10 November - The King & Queen, London
A 'Moon Horse' special at Totally Acoustic, with support from A Little Orchestra.
Friday 11 November - The Brixton Windmill, London
Supporting Lazarus Clamp
Wednesday 16 November - The Portland Arms, Cambridge
'Moon Horse' with Model Village
tickets here: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/138854
Monday 28 November - The Prince Albert, Brighton
'Moon Horse' with The Lovely Eggs
tickets here: http://www.wegottickets.com/event/131590
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
The 'Dinosaur Planet' albums arrived last week... and looked in a right old state, so I've had to send them back to the factory to be done again. Annoyingly this means they WON'T be available this month as promised - sorry for the delay but after all this time and effort I want to make sure they're PERFECT. I hope to have them ready to buy this time NEXT month, but in the meantime...
We're very VERY happy to announce the release of our brand new FREE download single, 'Theme From Dinosaur Planet', which is available NOW, HERE:
It's an edit of the album's lead track which a MARVELLOUS VIDEO featuring loads of artwork by the wonderful Mr John Allison. Direct links are:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whAtQONZA8o - video on YouTube
http://soundcloud.com/mj-hibbett/theme-from-dinosaur-planet/s-1wmsb - song on Soundcloud
As ever we'd be EXTREMELY grateful to anyone who can mention, tweet, or just generally GO ON ABOUT it for us!
Moon Horse is back on the road again - we had a GRATE night in Cardiff last week and we're in London, Cambridge and Brighton this month. We're doing a few more gigs in January and February next year, so if you'd like to book us to play near you get in touch! All dates are at http://www.moonhorse.net.
Christmas is a-coming and we are making exciting PREPARATIONS - we'll have one, maybe TWO songs for you this year! More news on this next time, when we've actually recorded them.
One of the stars of 'Dinosaur Planet', Mr Chris T-T, has just released the songs from his Edinburgh show 'Disobedience: Chris T-T sings AA Milne' as an album on Bandcamp. It's ACE - have a listen, HERE:
And finally, our friends at Dandelion Radio are once again running the Official John Peel Festive 50, where you can vote for your favourite tracks of the year. Voting starts tomorrow and runs to the end of November, HERE:
What's that? Why yes, I do believe free download singles ARE eligible, why do you ask?
And that's about enough for this month - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
< issue 79 | issue 81 > |