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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 79
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Hello everyone - we've got a new album and a massive sale to talk about this month, so let's get going shall we?
Tuesday 4 October - Bethnal Green Working Men's Club
"The Cuts Won't Work" with The Behemoth and a ton of comedy types.
22 October - The Horse & Groom, Brighton
Brighton Indie-Pop Weekender with The Bobby McGees, The Lovely Eggs, A Little Orchestra and more.
Thursday 27 October - Gwdihw, Cardiff
The start of the Moon Horse Victory Lap tour!
Saturday 5 November - The Chameleon, Nottingham
The return of The Validators, with August Actually, HotMIM and Burly Nagasaki.
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
The album is FINISHED!! This very morning the final masters went to the factory and in a few short weeks we should have Actual Real CDs! They'll be available at gigs as soon as we have them and you'll be able to pre-order the album online from the brand new Dinosaur Planet website this time next month. There will be videos, free downloads, and T-SHIRTS!!
To celebrate the arrival of (and make storage space for) the new album we're having a MASSIVE "Here Come The Dinosaurs" sale. For the next four weeks you'll be able to buy the album "Forest Moon Of Enderby" for just THREE POUNDS, or upgrade to a triple pack also featuring "Regardez, Ecoutez Et Repetez" and "My Exciting Life in ROCK!" for just SIX POUNDS - and that's all including postage too! It's all on our Special Offers page, HERE:
This ludicrous deal will only be available for the next four weeks, so get in quick if you want a MEGA BARGAIN. Please do - I really really need the space!
Me and Steve have now almost completed booking not one but TWO Moon Horse Tours - the first starts in Cardiff at the end of the month and runs through to the start of December, with the next happening around the Leicester Comedy Festival in February. Full details of ALL dates are at http://www.moonhorse.net so do come along if you can!
The brand new song '2000AD Nan' can now be heard over on the Keep Pop Loud blog, HERE:
And finally, if you've ever wondered what a Depeche Mode/MJ Hibbett & The Validators mash-up would sound up, WONDER NO MORE! The answer, courtesy of Mr Dan Haldane, is HERE:
And that's about enough for this month - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
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