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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 60
< issue 59 | issue 61 > |
Hello everybody, and welcome to this first Newsletter of the new decade. Let's ROCK!
Tuesday February 9 - The Lamb, London
(Totally Acoustic, with The Grave Architects and Chris Taylor from The Platers)
Friday February 12 - The Criterion, Leicester
Saturday February 13 - The Criterion, Leicester
(Dinosaur Planet at The Leicester Comedy Festival.)
Check http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm for further details.
Last year we sold out both nights at The Leicester Comedy Festival (i can't quite believe it, but I do like saying it!) so if you fancy coming it might be an idea to book in advance - tickets via http://www.mjhibbett.net/dinosaurplanet/dates.htm
This year's got off to a very quiet start, doing an excerpt from Dinosaur Planet at a Writers' Group in Acton, and then telling the story of The Book I Didn't Write at True Stories Told Live. It was a GENTLE, also DELIGHTFUL way to begin!
Work has continued on the Dinosaur Planet Concept Album - we had a MAMMOTH session just after Christmas when we recorded the rhythm tracks for pretty much EVERYTHING, and we're hoping to get all the guitar, violin and lead vocals done by Easter, ready for Emma to go and do her singing. After that it's time to get KRAZY with overdubs, and start worrying about the dialogue!
First of all, thanks VERY VERY MUCH INDEED to everyone who voted for "My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once" in this year's Dandelion Festive 50. We got to number 44 and we're all EXTREMELY chuffed - thank you!!
As mentioned last month, we'll be doing almost NO gigs this year as The Validators. Tim and Emma had the chance to move to MAURITIUS for eleven months and have taken it, so we won't be QUORATE until November. We do have one gig booked in the summer, but that's likely to be IT. I'm still doing solo gigs, but there'll be less of them too, as we gear up for Dinosaur Planet: THE MUSICAL later this year.
But fear not, when THAT gets going there'll be quite a lot of it! Me and Mr S Hewitt have LOTS of PLANS including tour dates and a VERY EXCITING SCHEME for going to the Edinburgh, details of which will be revealed over the next few months. These details are potentially VERY EXCITING INDEED!
And finally, stand by for a DOCUMENTARY about the recent German Tour! I've started putting it together from the footage we took while we were there and so far it's looking GRATE!
And that, I think, is enough for now - thanks for listening and see you next time!
< issue 59 | issue 61 > |