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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 55
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Hello all and welcome to this Rather Calmer Than Last Time Newsletter. Let's DO it!
This month I'm doing gigs as follows:
Yes, for the first time in YEARS I'm having a month OFF from ROCKING OUT. Don't worry (or breath a sigh of RELIEF) though, I'm very much back on the road in October, kicking off with the return of Totally Acoustic on the 6th - check http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm for further details!
I need a month off because August has been MENTAL for gigs, starting off with a FANTASTIC weekend in Stockholm for the Cosy Den 5th Anniversary festival. After that it was all about Dinosaur Planet, with a lovely warm-up in Croydon followed by a GRATE week at the Edinburgh Fringe. Thanks TONS to everyone who came, we had a MARVELLOUS time, as indeed we did at the Victoy Lap at the Lexington when we got home. We're hoping to organise a TOUR for the winter, more news on that one once we've recovered enough to work it out, but if anyone would like to book an HOUR OF THRILLPOWER do let us know!
Our next release will be a limited edition single of "My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once" in mid-October, to be accompanied by a brand new VIDEO. We're planning to have some EXCITING b-sides to go with it too, but more news of that next time.
Meanwhile we're booked into Snug Studios in October to start recording the full band version of "Dinosaur Planet". It'll be slightly different but EVEN MORE EXCITING than the solo version, with a hopeful release date for next Summer... though don't hold us to that, it may take a while to get all the orchestras and fireworks recorded!
That nice Mr Chris T-T wrote a column about The Mercury Awards, featuring US - it's here: http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/index.php/news/culture/regulars/chris-t-t/isolating-the-indies
If you didn't get up to see us at the Fringe but would like a taste of what went on, here's a couple of videos, first me doing one of the songs:
And a SPACE DINOSAUR in action on The Royal Mile:
Finally, I'm told that the earlier half of our back catalogue is now available on Spotify. I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I'm sure it's TERRIBLY NICE for the young people!
Oh, and talking of Modern Things, I'm just about getting to grips with twitter now, so if you'd like to get a roughly thrice daily FACT UPDATE do come and follow me, I'm at http://www.twitter.com/mjhibbett
And I think that's about it for now - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
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