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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 26
< issue 25 | issue 27 > |
Hello all, and welcome to the sexy TWENTY SIXTH issue of our INTERGALACTIC newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN shall we?
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Monday April 2 - The Social, London
(with Thee More Shallows, Michael L Clamp and Former Utopia)
Tickets available from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/16189
Thursday April 5 - Sumo, Leicester
(with The Puppets)
Friday April 6 - The Union Tavern, London
(Poptimism ALL-DAYER starts 2pm with me on at about six o'clock)
Friday April 13 - Whitechapel Gallery, London
(A Velvet Sheep night with Hammer & Tongs and MC Phil Hasted.)
Sunday April 22 - Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, London
(Smog day, with Airport Girl, Wintergreen and more, with The Validators on about 6.30pm)
Tickets available from http://www.wegottickets.com/event/16650
Friday April 27 - The Derby Arms, Ramsgate
(with the very marvellous Mr Owen Tromans)
Further details for all these are at the usual place, http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm .
This month I've played in Forest Gate (in a venue behind a house), Bethnal Green (with The Performing Pattisons), Peterborough (swearing in front of my mum), Leicester (at my ALMA MATER), Essex (at Phoenix FM), Cambridge (ACE beer, lovely night) and Brixton (with poets and accordions) - i am BACK ON THE ROAD!
The new single, 'The Lesson Of The Smiths/The Gay Train' is coming out on April 30th, on old fashioned CD AND on iTunes! I've got a big box full of copies RIGHT NOW, and they look DEAD nice. As mentioned last time, there's seven tracks (including our version of 'Vicar In A Tutu) and a PILE of multimedia stuff and, as ever, there'll be available SLIGHTLY EARLY for all you lovely people on the mailing list - watch out for the THRILLING EXTRA EMAIL coming soon!
I'll be sending out about 130 copies of the single in a couple of weeks to various radio stations - it's got an actual real-live RADIO EDIT of 'The Lesson Of The Smiths', so you never know, it might get played! I'm doing the publicity for it MYSELF this time around, so if anyone's got any ideas of extra places to send it to, do let me know.
The main slice of extra FACT at the moment is that we're now fully ENSCONCED in writing and learning up some new songs. We've got two or three already pretty much sorted out and have a couple more practices BOOKED before we go into the studio in May to start recording our NEXT album. We're hoping to use TECHNOLOGY this time to get it done in LESS than the three years it seems to usually take us - keep reading to find out if we manage it!
And that's the lot for this month - it's going to be quite a busy month in April, so we'll see you back here next time to see how it all goes!
< issue 25 | issue 27 > |