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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 19
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Hello all, and welcome to the NINETEENTH issue of our NER-NER-NER-newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN shall we?
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Thursday August 31 (tonight!) - The Luminaire, LONDON (on compere duty and doing some songs between the other bands at the Fortuna Pop! 10th birthday DO, with The Butterflies Of Love, Comet Gain, The Chemistry Experiment and Finlay)
Thursday September 7 - The Prince Albert, BRIGHTON (on fairly early, then off for the train!)
A nice quiet month this time, but I'm booking quite a few up in October and then looking for CHRISTMAS gigs - I'm especially looking for something on October 14th, somewhere on the mainline from Glasgow to London. Anybody got any ideas?
It's been FESTIVAL time this month, starting with The (lovely) Secret Garden Party near Abbots Ripton, where I JUST ABOUT managed not to get too horribly drunk during the day before going on second to last on the Living Room Stage (they've got a new myspace at htpp://www.myspace.com/thelivingroomlive by the way, if you want to PAL UP). We had a very similar experience the next weekend when we played second to last AGAIN, just after midnight at the Bowlie All-Dayer in Islington. It was the first outing for MJ Hibbett & The Performing Pattisons, and it seemed to go pretty well!
We were in the STUDIO this month, back at Stayfree with Mr Kev Reverb to record "Other Bands' Setlists", a song we wrote whilst ON TOUR. It's going to be a b-side for the next single which - we think - is going to be a DOUBLE A-SIDE of "The Lesson Of The Smiths" and "The Gay Train". I also went and recorded "The Story Of My Life" in Studio Sonic in London for inclusion on a forthcoming Sorted CD, and whilst I was there delivered my own INTERPRETATION of "Sweet Child O' Mine", which you can get NOW, should you wish, from our myspace - http://www.myspace.com/mjhibbett .
Meanwhile "WE VALIDATE!" has picked up some more reviews, most notably in Word Magazine and Plan B. You can read ALL the reviews at http://www.mjhibbett.net/releases/wevalidatereviews.htm, and if that EXCITES you, don't forget you can buy it from our shop, Amazon, record shops, and now iTunes!
Talking of which, if anyone's got any pictures for The Halls Of Validation please send them in ASAP, as I'm intending to get it sorted out soon. That scheme is now CLOSED, and thanks VERY much for everyone who made the effort to get our stuff from other retailers. For those of you who were WAITING for the Special Offers to start happening, check http://mjhibbett.tripod.com/buy/special.htm for details of how to get the album AND "Better Things To Do" at Reduced Cost. If you've not got the album yet - go on, get it! You'll like it!
Once again we were on Kooba Radio this month, and "Girlfriend Alarmed" seems to have another airing over on Radio Crystal Blue in New York. Cool!
As mentioned last time we've got a few TOUR T-SHIRTS left over from the tour, available now in the shop (http://www.mjhibbett.net/buy/tshirts.htm). There's not many, and they're only in certain sizes, so get in now if you'd like one!
In other news, I think my Sandman Columns have been appearing, though I've not actually been up that way recently to GRAB a copy... and finally I'm extremely happy to report that work has begun again on the VIDEO for "The Gay Train", with Mr Rob Manuel. So far we've had two EDITTING sessions, and BY HECK it's looking really really good. And when I say really really good, I mean really really REALLY good. I'm EXTREMELY excited about it, and am going to have to be STERN with myself so as not to try and put it online the very second it's finished, which should be in the next couple of weeks. I'll let you know how well I do!
And that's about it for now - thanks for listening, and see you next time!
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