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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 150
< issue 149 | issue 151 > |
Hello all, and welcome to this ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH edition of the newsletter. We've got ALBUMS, PODCASTS and BOOKS to talk about this month, so let's get started!
Sunday 17 September - The Bill Murray, London
Supporting Gavin Osborn at the London launch of his new album
Tickets HERE: http://www.angelcomedy.co.uk/events/gavin-osborn/
Sunday 8 October - DINA, Sheffield
Reading 'Storm House' and playing some songs as part of the Off The Shelf Festival
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/ for more information.
To celebrate the 150th edition of this newsletter I'm unleashing a FREE special collection of EXCLUSIVE tracks JUST for newsletter subscribers! It's called 'Hibbett's Hoover' and it features various oddments from the past few years which have never been heard anywhere else. Some of it's good, some of it's... less so, but all of it is right HERE:
(if clicking the download link doesn't work when you get there, try right-clicking instead!)
This month's podcast is the first of two from the 10th anniversary all-dayer, featuring me, Matt Tiller, Peter Buckley Hill and Jenny Lockyer. It's available to download right now, right HERE:
Thanks very much indeed to everyone who downloaded a copy of my novel 'Storm House' last month - so many of you did that it ended up at the top of the Amazon science fiction charts!! The book's still very much available, on Kindle for just two quid or as a paperback for slightly more, and you can find out all about it HERE:
If you're on Goodreads you can also enter the Goodreads Giveaway competition for a chance to win a free copy of the paperback - you'll need to hurry though, the competition ends tomorrow!
And if you need any further persuasion, I have recorded a very serious in-depth literary interview about the book with Mr John Dredge, which you can enjoy on my Amazon Author Page HERE:
Here's a hot FINANCE tip for my subscribers abroad: the value of the pound is currently at a ridiculous LOW, so if you've ever thought of buying some CDs, now would probably be the time to find some BARGAINS. Postage is free wherever you are on the planet, too!
And last of all, if you'd care for an insight into the roots of some of my DISTINCTIVE STYLINGS, you might enjoy this article what I wrote about the Molesworth books for Joyzine:
And I think that's about enough for this month - thanks for listening and see you next time!
< issue 149 | issue 151 > |