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Blog: The Comic Crush

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A little while ago I recorded a LENGTHY conversation about Doctor Doom and Doom-related issues with Mr Paul Dunne of The Comic Crush, and it is now ready for you to view HERE:

It's part of their "Script and Pencils" podcast series, so it's also available to listen to (without MY LOVELY FACE tho) on Spotify and everywhere else you get podcasts from.

As you can probably tell, we both had a FINE old time yacking about the then-recent news of Robert Downey Jr's casting and also diving into multiple aspects of my RESEARCH. Paul held it back a bit to coincide with the unleashing of the new One World Under Doom series which came out today. I haven't had a chance to get to the comic shop yet to read it, but I will be doing so as soon as humanly possible!

posted 12/2/2025 by MJ Hibbett

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