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Blog: It Was Twenty (two) Years Ago Today

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A delightful thing that happened last year was Mr Bob Fischer going through his diary from 1984 every day, posting an image of the page from exactly forty years ago and discussing what had gone on. It was lovely, reminding people of a similar age to him (e.g. ME) exactly what life was really like growing up in very quiet places during the 1970s and 80s i.e. a base level of unending boredom alleviated by books, trips to the shops, telly, and the threat of nuclear annihilation. Also, having dinner and tea correctly labelled and lots of "playing out" when you'd just sort of go and hang around bored in a back garden for a bit.

INSPIRED by all this I thought "Hang on, I have been writing something very similar to a daily diary in the shape of the BLOG for YEARS. I wonder how long ago that began?" My great hope was that the answer would be "Exactly 20 years ago and thus perfect for ripping off riffing ON what Bob did." When I checked I was thus slightly disappointed to discover it was actually twenty TWO years ago that it all began, but then thought "Oh sod it, I can do it with something from twenty two years ago as easily as twenty - I will probably get fed up of it within a fortnight anyway".

And so it is that I am happy to unleash today the start of a series of posts/tweets/whatever where I'm going to retweet blog entries from exactly twenty-two years ago on each day it's appropriate, with a little bit of CONTEXT where I can remember them. Regular readers will be aware that sometimes a blog TACTFULLY OMITS some aspects of what ACTUALLY happened (e.g. when another band on a bill have been Slightly Annoying) so I'm going to try and fill some of those in. It might work, or it might be dreary and I'll give up, but for now please venture forth to my Bluesky and/or twitter profiles for THRILLING UPDATES, starting with a tale of NEAR NUDITY and PERIL! What a start!

posted 23/1/2025 by MJ Hibbett

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