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Blog: New single on the way

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Put on your Unleashment Hats and hang up the Engagement Bunting, for LO! I am here to tell you that there is a new single by ME on the way! SOON!

The single is called "AI Guy" and it is one of the songs what emerged in the recent song flood I have been experiencing. It was prompted by attending a CONFERENCE and sitting next to someone who talked about AI with the zeal of an evangelist but without any apparent knowledge of what it was, how it worked, and why people kept wanting to punch him when he told them their jobs were "mundane activity".

I played it live last month in Rainham, Kent and it went down pretty well, then afterwards Helen from Sassyhiya asked if/when it was going to be released. Up until that point I hadn't got any further than thinking about PLAYING it, to be honest, and thought "Oh yeah, releasing it would be a good idea."

Since then that THORT has grown and grown in my BRANE as I keep on seeing stuff about AI online and thinking "HA! I should post the video to my song AI Guy here because it would be ENTIRELY APPOSITE so to do". The world seems to be being taken over by MONEYED TWERPS who have never actually read a science fiction novel in their life but are entirely happy with the idea that there will be NO PROBLEM AT ALL with robots taking control of everything. This is then commented on by PILLOCKS who also have no idea how anything works and think that a CALCULATOR being able to spell "BOOBS" upside down is the same as HAL.

Over Christmas these ideas all coalesced and I realised that the only thing stopping me from UNLEASHING the song upon a needy world was the fact that I hadn't recorded it yet, so I DID that, checked the MIX with The Validators' in-house MIXOLOGIST Mr F A Machine, and then was about to punt it off to Emubands for streaming services when I remembered that online singles need cover images. There followed a day of piddling about with all sorts of daft ideas before I thought "Oh sod it" and went for the very straightforward image BELOW.

cover for AI Guy Single

With that done and a tenner handed over for en-Spotify-cation all that remains for me to do is make a video, log it with MCPS, PPL and so forth, write a press release and sort out a mailing list, all ready for release on Monday 27 January. That's still quite a bit on the to-do list, but at least I've already got some tour dates sorted out!

More news as and/or/if it happens!

posted 9/1/2025 by MJ Hibbett

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