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Fox & Firkin

316 Lewisham High Street
SE13 6JZ
020 8690 8925

Here's all the gigs that we have logged at this venue. Click on the date for further details.

Thursday 17 March 2005
With UpCDownCLeftCRightC

Thursday 15 September 2005
With The Nathan Persad Allstars

Sunday 23 October 2005
Sunday Acoustic Session

Saturday 19 November 2005
Onstage at 12.50pm, kicking off FOXFEST.

Sunday 16 April 2006
2bob's acoustic Sunday Session - I did She's A Spaceman for the first time in about 15 years, and met the MIGHTY Mr Phil Wilson.

Sunday 2 July 2006
This was done at short-notice, and again HEAT and things meant it was pretty sparse, though I had a LOVELY time. My David Beckham impersonation was aired, a very DRUNK old lady enjoyed my version of 'Moonlight Bay', and I drank Corona. It was also excitin

Saturday 6 October 2007
Validators Full Band Set Battling with cold, The Cleator Moor Validators play for Koobaid.

Saturday 22 December 2007
Gig 60, featuring the Fox's traditional display of Weird Audience Member Trying To Get On Stage.

Sunday 4 May 2008
A lovely start to summer, at Foxfest 2008.

Wednesday 14 July 2010
Dinosaur Planet preview in sunny Lewisham - we filmed our trailer there too, and then had Jonny Yeah as GUEST STAR.

Thursday 6 January 2011
Dinosaur Planet back to Lewisham for a fully fledged BIG SHOW!

Sunday 1 May 2011
Afternoon spot (about 4pm) at FOXFEST.

Thursday 7 July 2011
Moon Horse (with Steve) Preview time!

Thursday 15 December 2011
"Hey there Emo Boy"!

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