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The Windmill

22 Blenheim Gardens
020 8671 0700

Here's all the gigs that we have logged at this venue. Click on the date for further details.

Thursday 14 August 2003
Validators Full Band Set AAS Fifth birthday gig - Mr FA Machine was drunk, people cheered, we had fun! Also featuring Johnny Domino and Plans & Apologies.

Sunday 21 December 2003
Supporting Chris TT, who doubted my WORD about 'Bands From London'. First gig appearance for 'Girlfriend Alarmed'

Sunday 8 May 2005
With Mitch Benn and Gary LeStrange at an Unpeeled Night

Wednesday 26 July 2006
Validators Full Band Set A Let's Go Baboon night, with Lazarus Clamp and Lardpony during which I got THE FEAR because my voice was knackered, but discovered the Magic Medicine: BRANDY!

Thursday 12 October 2006
John Peel Night, playing with Lazarus Clamp and Former Utopia. Not many people there - they were all playing their own gigs I guess! - but a good night, with a debut for The Mystery Train
Sunday 28 January 2007
A Let's Go Baboon night with a heap of new songs and STRAP DISASTER!

Wednesday 17 December 2008
Slightly cold ridden end to the year at the Let's Go Baboon Christmas do.

Saturday 28 November 2009
A VERY rainy night briefly pretending to be George Michael at The Maps Magazine Christmas Party.

Sunday 20 June 2010
On stage at 5.30pm at a Damnably Summer All-Dayer - tickets here.

Friday 8 April 2011
"Bands For Japan" benefit with Let's Wrestle, Slowgun, Rica Monami, Your New Friend, The Catcher Nine, Rebekah Delgado and more. tickets HERE.

Friday 11 November 2011
Supporting Lazarus Clamp

Saturday 10 October 2015
Damnably's 9th Birthday Party/John Peel Day with Slowgun, BRUJA smallgang, monster island , Molasses, echolocation, Former Utopia, Capt.Lovelace, Splintered Man, Russell and the Wolf Choir, We Are Passerines and More Bad Times - tickets available HERE:

Sunday 1 May 2016
Walpurgis Nacht Festival with Wussy, Otoboke Beaver, Lazarus Clamp, Captain Lovelace and more. Tickets HERE:

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