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The Magazine Hotel

Here's all the gigs that we have logged at this venue. Click on the date for further details.

Saturday 0 March 1990
Mark & Simon!

Sunday 29 March 1992

Sunday 17 May 1992

Saturday 30 May 1992
Voon were supposed to be supporting The Scum Pups for an Aids Awareness Day gig. The Scum Pups couldn't play, so "helpfully" flyered around town, so their fans wouldn't turn up by mistake! Eugene James played instead, I think. We did "Pilchards Of Death" and "It's A Nice Thing" - both are mentioned in a review in Local Listings magazine "Clag". The reviewer says we played "It's A Nice Evening", which I thought was rather clever as the reviewer was ME with an assumed name!

Saturday 15 August 1992
Voon supporting Awful (aka Kookaburra).

Thursday 11 February 1993
VOON with Monica's Uncle. I think this was the time Simon couldn't make it so I told people he was in prison...

Thursday 10 June 1993
Great night for the three-piece version of Voon. The versions of "How Voon Is Now", "It's A Message From Another World", "Charming" and "Day Tripper/Day Care Centre" on The Legend Of Voon were recorded during this evening.

Sunday 0 October 1993
Solo gig

Thursday 25 November 1993
The cover of "Boom Shake The Room" that appears on The Legend Of Voon was recorded this night.

Thursday 6 January 1994
Solo! Also with Bungalow Bill

Friday 1 April 1994
VOON, with Lichtenstein Girl

Thursday 18 August 1994
Solo! Artists Against Success

Monday 10 October 1994
Second Artists Against Success night, with Dr Kneel, Stevie Marmite, Gary from Po!, "Gary's mate Andy" and ME.

Saturday 19 November 1994
The Council play an AFA (Anti-Fascist Action?) gig.

Thursday 5 January 1995
Artists Against Success night. Listed as featuring Prolapse (I don't remember that!) and Gary from Po!, Steve Marmite Sisters, Mr Chris Lawson, me and Neil and Leichtenstein Girl.

Monday 23 January 1995
Ernie & Joe supported by Cusp, apparently. I remember both bands but have no recollection WHATSOEVER of this gig!

Thursday 23 February 1995
The K-Stars with The Council, Kookie Monster and Chronic BMX

Thursday 23 February 1995

Wednesday 1 March 1995
The Council play "The Casbah". The setlist was "Dirty Old Man", "Malignant Work", "She's Gone", "Personal Space", "Just Sex" and "So Dull". I know this because we did a special programme for our set, with all the words included!

Thursday 23 March 1995
The Council

Monday 7 August 1995
with Bloom

Wednesday 16 August 1995
"Artists Against Sucess Presents" This might be the one I cancelled because nobody came!

Thursday 31 August 1995
Council +support?

Thursday 14 March 1996
Sorted gig, promoting the release of Ashtray Heart. I played solo as "Mark From Voon" with John Sims, Kookie Monster and Jon Dennis from Slinky

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