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Marvel Age Doom: Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug #

Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug #

Cover Date:Jan-75
Main Story:Doctor Doom Slurpee Mug
Summary:Information from The National Museum Of American History: This plastic Slurpee cup from the 7-Eleven chain of convenience stores was produced in 1975 as one of a series featuring Marvel Comics superheroes. It shows Dr. Doom and this quote: THE NAME IS VICTOR VON DOOM, CHILD! MANY ARE THE TIMES THAT I HAVE ALMOST CONQUERED THE WORLD, BUT WAS STOPPED BY THOSE FOOLS�THE FANTASTIC FOUR. STILL, IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THEY ARE CRUSHED BENEATH THE ARMORED HEEL OF DR. DOOM!
Links:Marvel Comics
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A process blog about Doctor Doom in The Marvel Age written by Mark Hibbett