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Blog: Croydon

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I headed SOUTH last night to Distant Croydon, via a bit of a STRIDE through Central London as the Underground seemed to be going a bit wonky. This Calorie Use made me HUNGRY and I had to use all the willpower I could muster to prevent myself buying a PASTIE at Charring Cross, for LO! I was getting FED once I got to The Green Dragon.

Once I'd got there, soundchecked and said my various helloes I trotted downstairs to get a DELICIOUS pint of Workie Tick (which Mr T Eveleigh had HEARTILY recommended, it was LOVELY) and to get something to eat. Imagine my surprise when I found that the ONLY thing on a very big menu that i COULD vegemetarianistically eat was a Veggie Lasagne! Eh? Every other time I've been there there's been SEVERAL things available, not least The Traditional Ye Older Pubbe Veggie Burger, but it looked like Gordon R*msay or someone had got into the kitchen. I asked the Young Man at the bar and we SCOURED it together to no avail, so Lasagne it was.

NEWS UPDATE: It was actually quite nice.

As indeed was the rest of the evening - just before me it was Jenny Lockyer whose virtues I have hailed here MANY times. She was just GRATE - every time I see her I think "Why isn't she on the telly?" because it seems so RIGHT that she should be. All the songs were BRILL as ever - including a BRAND NEW ONE which had a HOOK "What have they done to Blue Peter?" which made i LARF - and the way she performs is so WARM it always makes me think she should be the new Ralph McTell, doubly up folk clubs with A Highly Succesful Children's Television Series.

Anyway, after all that EXCELLENCE it was time for me to go on. Jenny had been talking about a recent trip to New Zealand so, after Tim's usual question "Have you a fascinating FACT to tell us about yourself?" I launched into a LENGTHY discussion about New Zealand which meandered into an extended RANT about how HORRID American Border Control Officials are i.e. VERY. And then I did THIS:
  • The Gay Train
  • Hey Hey 16K
  • Rather Spooky
  • My Boss Was In An Indie Band Once
  • It Only Works Because You're Here
  • Billy Jones Is Dead
  • Glory Days
  • The Lesson Of The Smiths

  • It was all very enjoyable with not one but TWO songs I've never done SOLO before. I've just been relearning my ENGLISH TRANSLATION version of "Glory Days" (as BANNED by The Boss's Lawyers) in order to play it at Cover To Cover on Friday, and as it's always a friendly crowd there I thought I'd have a go at "Rather Spooky" too. It was GOOD FUN tho I'm not sure I'd want to LAUNCH into it at a gig which wasn't quite so relaxed!

    After it was all done I had a quick chat to Jenny and Tim, finished my delicious beer, and then stomped off into The Croydon Night for a speedy voyage home. Gigs are GRATE, aren't they?

    posted 4/11/2009 by MJ Hibbett

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